Monday, October 24, 2005

Clase de Español

(intermiate - the best!)

That´s what we call outselves. Joselyn, Jimmy, Erin and I lucked out when we got Edith as our Spanish teacher. We have so much fun together and are constantly goofing around, while learning Spanish, of course. :)

Some of my favorite classes involved making vegetarian pizza (qué rico), watching an amazing movie about the tragic times of terrorism in Peru (Palomas de Papel), bargaining in the market in Chosica, and learning more slang. We´ve also had a lot of chocolate and went on a couple cool field trips, one to Lima and one to ruins near Santa Eulalia. We went to the ruins with a history prof and learned an incredible amount about this place. I will write about the history in my next entry. First, I need to look up some dates. In the meantime, I will be enjoying my last week with my class. Next week, we will advance and get a new teacher. I hope I am as lucky that time as this. I will miss Edith and my classmates.


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