Monday, September 26, 2005

Vivo en Buenos Aires

Here I am, creating a blog from my home in a suburb of Lima, Peru, called Buenos Aires - a beautiful spot with a wonderful family. I will live here for the next three months during my training to be an environmental volunteer with the Peace Corps elsewhere in Peru. I came to the country with 34 other trainees after 2 fun days in D.C. and a long day in transition.

My family here consists of my host mother, Nancy, and her two children, Peter, who is 11, and Nora, who is 22 (pictured above with me in front of a mural of Macchu Picchu at Peter´s school). Other members of the household include three uncles (Cesar, Jorge, and Willy), a 3 year-old cousin (Michael), a cat (Michi), and 2 dogs that live on my balcony. One is a beautiful husky, Shenka. The other is a small dog that is named Pequeña who gets so excited that she can jump up about a meter to get into my room through the window.


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