Thursday, October 06, 2005

La comida

Nora y yo hacemos la comida. Es rico para chuparse los dedos.

When my host sister and I made dinner last Sunday, we diverged slightly from our usual fare of papas (potatoes), arroz (rice), y pollo (chicken). We made a great dish that even included broccoli, a food that confuses most Peruvians because they just don´t eat it. They´re not used to eating green stuff in general. My host family is kind-of progressive though. We even ate a salad today!

Part of our training here is learning to make huertos organicos (organic gardens) so that the people in our communities (ourselves included) can have better nutrition. We´ve had training on subjects like companion planting and making compost using abono (poop) from cuy (guinea pigs) and lombri (worms). We are even starting to grow tree seedlings and work on our own gardens behind the training center and smaller versions at our houses. We´re going to grow veggies like radishes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and herbs. Fun & tasty stuff, especially considering how our meals usually consist of carbs, carbs, & more carbs.


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