Saturday, July 15, 2006

Feliz Cumpleaños, Brexi

At 4 am, the day after Bryan`s birthday, my host mother had a new baby girl. Her name is Brexi Marciel and is delightful. She hardly cries at all. She does get hiccups though, which are "cured" by having her mom or dad stick a tiny piece of paper on her forehead. Seriously.

They have several interesting beliefs relating to the time following childbirth. During the first week, they did not take the baby outside of the house because it could die because of mal de 7 dìas. They also recite orations, "puja tu madre, puja tu padre," while passing a braided hand towl or a black cloth doll (see picture below) over the baby in a cross when it jerks its head, gasping. My host dad explained that this condition is caused when a girl who is menstruating or is growing her breasts (when she has 9 or so years of age) holds the baby. Another solution is to put fresh cotton (from the plant) on the baby`s head after it has been soaked with the liquid from a boiled fish head and sugar. Another successful step to stop a baby from being a pujalona is to make sure she is wrapped well in a mosquito net so that she doesn`t get cold. Perhaps I will buy a mosquito net for Brexi.

Feliz Cumpleaños, Bryan

In Peru, birthdays are not thought of as times to get presents but rather occasions to throw big parties, sharing your day, food and fun with friends and family. In Cabuyal, Tumbes on July 23, Bryan went all out with the help of his host family (pork and sweet potatoes cooked underground, served with pasta), his friends (discoball, lights, and lots of balloons, yeah), and me (amazing passion fruit cocktails that my friend Daisy taught me how to make, and the main event everyone waits all night for... the cake). About 40 or so people came, including our counterpart who showed up with a bunch of the park rangers. They took the lead when it came to dancing, so it was cool. Our friend Erin also came from her Peace Corps site in Matapalo, Tumbes. Even my dog got into the act, trying to steal the spotlight while Bryan was making a toast and later cutting the cake. She stood around, looking cute, especially since someone decorated her with balloons and ribbons. It was a birthday to remember.